Jamaica Baptist Union: 171st General Assembly - February 24-28, 2021 Thanks for registering for the 171st General Assembly of the Jamaica Baptist Union! Under the theme, "Keeping Faith with the Word in an Ever-Changing World: Reaffirming Identity - WHO ARE YOU?" The Assembly will be held February 24-28, 2021, Virtually on the Zoom platform. The cost of the Assembly is J$8,750.00. Payments can be made electronically via online transfer, cash or cheque payable to JBU; deposit funds to Saving Account, NCB #304-533-943 Half Way Tree Branch or make payment at the JBU Office (we can also facilitate Credit/Debit Card transactions at the JBU Bookstore). Please send bank receipts or online payment confirmation by fax to 876-924-6296 or via email to [email protected]. * Required Email address Title Ms. Rev. Rev. Dr. Mr. Mrs. Other (please explain below) First Name Last Name Sex Female Male Mailing Address Home Number Work Number Cell Number Assembly Role Please select from the list below: Minister Church Delegate Circuit Delegate Parish Association Delegate Executive Member Youth Delegate Observer/Guest/Other Executive Committee Member ------ Which department or group are you representing? Women's Federation Brotherhood Christian Education Department Youth Department Parish Association Other (please explain below) Church Affiliation! Please indicate your church, circuit and select your Parish Association from the list below. Name of Church Name of Circuit Name of Parish Association Clarendon Hanover Kingston & St. Andrew Portland St. Ann St. Catherine St. Elizabeth & Manchester St. James St. Mary St. Thomas Trelawny Westmoreland Other Workshops Kindly indicate which one (1) of the following workshops you wish to attend/participate in: Workshop Topics: POSTPONED until further notice - Keeping Youth Ministry alive in the age of COVID. Come prepared to share your strategies and suggestions. Blind Faith - “Then the righteous will answer him, ‘Lord, when did we see you hungry and feed you…”. Who are the new vulnerable who are being overlooked during COVID. Service Disconnected - Connecting with God and God’s people in the age of virtual worship services. Making the most of the experience. In touch when we have lost touch - So much of Christian service requires human contact. Examples of how our Churches continue to care in a COVID world. “Hallelujah” on the outside and “Help” on the inside - Handling depression while maintaining your faith. Lessons and Legacy? - COVID has taught us many lessons. In a post COVID era which ones should we keep? Payment Information * Required The cost of the Assembly is J$8,750. Complete this section once you have paid your registration fee. Deposits can be made to NCB account #304533943. Please also send your receipt to [email protected] or fax it to (876) 924-6296. If you haven't yet made payment, select "I haven't paid yet" and leave the other fields blank. Method of Payment I haven't paid yet Bank or Direct Deposit Cheque Direct Payment to the JBU Offices Credit/Debit Card at JBU Bookstore Transaction Code Transaction Date Send